Sunday, April 1, 2012

Meet Me =)

I've been running another blog for a while, but I never really thought to share much about my crochet. So here I am figuring it's about time I did.

I love crochet. LOVE IT! It's calm, relaxing, and I can do it while watching a movie if I prefer. I have been crocheting for nearly 30 years, but only quite heavily for the last 12. I've used crochet to get me through a failing marriage, a divorce, and two layoffs in the last 3 years. It's quite therapeutic and in many instances requires a life-distracting amount of focus. =)

While crochet can be amazing, I do get bored and frustrated easily, and with that I'm always hopping from one project to the next. Friends and family hope I finish one before I move to the next, so I tend to stick to little projects. Hats, scarves, booties, socks, and other items, I can finish in a day or two. Afghans and sweaters tend to take me several months. I have bags and other containers full of partially completed projects all over my house.

My current job, thanks to the economy, allows me to crochet while taking technical support calls. So I get to crochet ALL the time. Believe me, I do. There's is nothing more frustrating than a customer screaming at me for something they did to themselves. So while they swear, ramble, cry, and/or occasionally threaten my life, I'm working on the crochet project of the day. I have a bag that I take everyday that contains three different projects. This practice is what keeps the paychecks coming in. Otherwise, I would have left my current employer after the first harassing customer I'd gotten. I am not a huge fan of my job, so crochet keeps me from doing something crazy that will land me in a chain-gang. (I do intend for this to be the last time I mention my job, in this blog.)

I enjoy the challenge of a difficult project, and the thrill of completing it. I am not a fan of unnecessarily complicated patterns or one that may be missing steps. I love all kinds of patterns from the divinely intricate to a simple SC hot-pad. But I tell ya, if a pattern tells me to SC in the top of a DC, there had better be a DC there for me to work with. All too often I come across very nice patterns that are missing entire rows or the verbiage is so screwy I have to make my own modifications. While normally simple, it can be cumbersome and frustrating when you're on a roll and have to stop to figure out what the creator actually meant.

It's because of this, I've started making my own patterns. Some are more complicated than others, but because of my short attention-span, I tend to write patterns for beginners. It's a lot harder to mess up. lol ;-)

As well, I do hope that if you notice a hiccup in one of my patterns, you'll please take a few seconds to let me know. I spend hours combing through them repeatedly to ensure there is nothing missing, so a helping hand is always appreciated.

I have a background in writing and management, so I am hoping that my posts do not come across as too formal.

Some of my patterns will be free and some cheaply priced. I do have an Etsy store, but I choose to be relaxed about it instead of pushy. So if you want to visit, please feel free. Otherwise, please enjoy the free patterns I offer.

All my best!

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