Sunday, July 15, 2012

My Ocean Star

I apologize for the long break. Life stepped in, and the blog had to take a backseat for a little while.

My boyfriend dropped this one on me a little over a month ago.

Chromium Star Blanket by Laura Lynn Hanks

He found this gorgeous rainbow version(right) posted on the internet and wanted one for our bedroom. It only took him a few minutes to convince me that I absolutely had to make it. I apparently think my Carpel Tunnel isn’t bad enough yet, so I agreed.

We have a king size bed..... A king size! Oh heavens what am I getting myself in to....

We currently have blue in our bedroom. Lots of shades of blue. He decided after we moved in together, that we were going to shift over to green. Go figure.

Anyways, it's been over 2 years since I moved in, and no changes have been made. This is likely because I'm horribly gloriously stubborn and haven't found any greens that I like, so I've come to the conclusion that we will never decide on one color for the bedroom. Because of this, we went with a green and blue combination for the afghan.

So, after work that very day, we were on our way to Joann's to pick up yarn. He actually (*I let him*) picked out all the colors again, with the agreement that I would choose the order.

Here are the colors we chose, in order of utilization:

Dark Sage
Soft Green
Aqua Mint
Dark Country Blue
Country Blue
Light Country Blue
Soft Blue

Starting with the Dk Sage and working my way out to the Soft Blue and then reverse.

All are Caron Simply Soft. I purchased 2 skeins of each color, but will likely need more for the outer green rows. I won’t know til I get there. Joann’s did not have the Country Blue, so I had to go to Michael’s for that one, as I didn’t like the jump from Dk Country Blue to Lt Country Blue.

This is a very easy pattern, and the result is very cool.

I changed the start a bit using a Magic Ring, then expansion row, and picking up the pattern a bit in row three, then completely in row four. I wanted the center to stand out a bit, so I did 5 rows of the Dk sage before the black row. I went with 3 rows of color with a row of black between each color.

Each black row in my version has the 5DC peak. Then the 3-rows of color have the 7DC peak as indicated in the pattern.

Currently finishing up row 36, with well over 500 stitches to the row. Be prepared, it gets monotonous. At least it’s easy to do while watching TV or pick up for a couple minutes here and there between other tasks.
Unfortunately, I foresee this as one of those projects that gets tossed to the side.

My intention is to pick up some little projects here and there to keep my enthusiasm for this gigantic mass of yarn from going stale.

We'll see!  Enjoy!